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Economic & Financial - Auditing / Accountants

Our team of accountants and auditors has experience in all matters related to auditing, ranging from corporate financial account verifications to bookkeeping.

This department also works on specific projects, such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A), covering issues such as:

-Valuating companies using customized financial methods adapted to match the company’s business activity and sector

-Legal analysis of the company being sold to confirm that it is a viable business and an attractive target (“Due Diligence”)

-Overseeing all commercial and legal procedures necessary to complete the transaction in question

Our experience in mergers and acquisitions is particularly extensive, especially in regards to international transactions involving the purchase of a Spanish company by a foreign company. We provide assistance in the detailed restructuring of the foreign company’s business activities in Spain, generally a requirement in these transactions. Some recent transactions where we have played an important role include:

-The purchase of a machine sharpening distributor by a German manufacturer

-A merger of two Spanish affiliates of a German multinational corporation operating in the auto parts business

-The acquisition of a Spanish finance company by a German bank

-The purchase of a steel distributor by a German multinational