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Economic & Financial - Foreign Trade & Investments

The emergence of Spain as an important global investor has triggered the need for reliable and exhaustive knowledge of international markets. We have developed a network of partnerships in several countries enabling us to offer current, on-location consulting and to closely oversee our clients’ foreign business activities. The services we offer include:

-Analyzing business opportunities in foreign markets.

-Evaluating the various means of penetrating a foreign market such as exporting, direct foreign investment and subcontracting.

-Analyzing market sectors.

-Locating business partners such as representatives, agents, distributors and manufacturers in foreign markets.

-Negotiation advice and support.

-Minimizing risk and costs through subsidies.

-Legal advice.

Our firm has worked hard to maintain close relationships with China, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. Our staff includes a native from each country and we have an extensive network of partners working in each country’s distinct economic sectors and geographical areas to more effectively serve clients. In China, for example, we are partners with the consulting firm Hispachina. In close cooperation with them, we successfully completed, in 1990, one of the first joint ventures in China between a Spanish company and a Chinese company We work with a network of attorneys throughout China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Xiamen. We also have available a variety of publications about China and Asia in general.